Thursday, October 31, 2013

Five Kinds of Nuts for Skin-Beauty and Weight-Loss

Nuts are the favorite snacks for a lot of women. Nuts are not only very nutritious, but also play an important role in skin-beauty and weight-loss. As a result, this article will introduce five kinds of nutritious and healthy nuts for you.

1. Walnut
The phospholipids composition contained in walnut can increase the activity of cells, so it plays an important role in maintaining the function of cranial nerves, enhancing the delicateness of skin, and promoting the growth of hair. It contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, which can lower the level of cholesterol in the body. In addition, the calcium, magnesium, carotene and various kinds of vitamins contained in walnut also have a certain effect on the patients who suffer from habitual constipation.

2. Pine nut kernel
Pine nut kernel tastes sweet and is warm in nature. It has the effects of beautifying the skin, relieving a cough, relaxing the bowels, and so on. The fat component in pine nut kernel is mainly unsaturated fatty acids, such as oleic acid and linoleic acid. These unsaturated fatty acids have a laxative effect and can expel the excessive waste out of the body. What's more, it also has an effect in the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis.

3. Almond
Almond is rich in cellulose. Scientific research points out that cellulose can help lower the content of cholesterol in the blood. A handful of almonds contain the same amount of cellulose as that in an orange or an apple. In addition, almond also contains a variety of plant chemical elements. Studies have shown that, these elements can help reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease and other chronic diseases.

4. Cashew nut
Cashew nut is extremely rich in mineral substances, including zinc, magnesium, iron and copper, all of which are the essential nutrients to human body. At the same time, it contains plenty of fat and oil, which can relax bowel movement, moisten the skin, and delay the aging process.

5. Pistachio nut
Experts point out that, eating 28 grams of pistachio nuts every day is very healthy to human body, because it not only will not make you fat, but can help control the weight. This is because eating pistachio nuts can give people a feeling of satiety, thereby helping to reduce the intake of food and control the weight. Often eating some pistachio nuts can also prevent constipation and help detoxify the body. In addition, pistachio nut is also rich in vitamin A, which not only has an anti-aging effect, but also can enhance physical fitness and treat kidney diseases.

Illness As an Excuse Not to Exercise is a Weight Loss Success Killer

If you find that you don't workout when you aren't feeling good you may find that you are limiting your weight loss success. Using illness or fatigue as an excuse to not move your body can sabotage your best intentions and your health, fitness and weight loss goals. It might not be in your best interest to exercise at 100% on days when you don't feel well, but there are good reasons to keep your body moving even on off days.

Give yourself an alternative workout that is gentler on your body-and stop beating the drum of not feeling well. Even if you decide to go for a short stroll around the block or focus on gentle stretching you are helping your body and you break the pattern of making illness an excuse for not exercising.

You may be surprised that some days you actually feel physically better because you are moving your body and changing your mental focus from illness to fitness. Even if you don't feel better, you can congratulate yourself for moving forward with your goal of exercising for weight loss and fitness.

On the days where you begin to feel better you may decide to keep working out. Either at that same gentle pace or you may feel energized enough that you can step up the pace a bit. Or, you may decide to stop with that shorter routine see how you feel later in the day... at which point you might go for another stroll for example.

If however you do the mini workout and still feel bad, then listen to your body and stop.

One of the reasons so many of us have gained weight in the past is because we didn't listen to our bodies. Listening to your body is very important for weight loss success-that includes listening to it about how it feels with the food we eat and the exercises we do-but we have to learn to correctly interpret the messages our body is sending to us.

I f you normally exercise for 15 minutes you may choose to cut back the time and/or the intensity depending on how you feel. Let's say you determine you are going to stroll for 5 minutes go outside and focus on the beauty there. After 5 minutes you are drained and so you come back inside. You have had a success! You kept your commitment to doing the 5 minutes and that is awesome!

However, if you are feeling better after the 5 minutes it may be that you were experiencing more of a psychological block and so you decide to continue walking. In this instance perhaps you walk for 15 minutes-your normal workout duration, but at a less intense level. This too, is something to celebrate!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The Truth About NV Weight Loss Pill

There is a new weight-loss product out in the market that promises not just rapid loss but also claims to work as a beauty enhancer. The name of the the product is NV (pronounced "envy") Rapid Weight Loss Beauty Pill made by NxCare.

How does the NV beauty and weight loss pill work?

The pill works in three ways: it promises rapid weight loss, as a beauty enhancer and also gives provides energy for those who take it.

Its weight loss components only comprise a mere 267 mg in the pill's active ingredients. The pill's weight loss formula includes green tea extract, theobromide and hoodia gordonii extract. When taken in heavy dosages, green tea is a welcome addition to any fat burner. Studies show that the green tea indeed has fat burning properties. Meanwhile, hoodia is a well-known appetite suppressant however many question it's effectiveness. It's also an endangered succulent, which make it very hard to obtain in large doses. It's very likely that only a few products claiming to contain hoodia actually has it on their ingredients. Theobromide, on the other hand is a xanthine-derivative of caffeine, which gives it its mild stimulating effects. It's effect on weight loss has not been effectively studied at present.

For it's beauty component, NV beauty and weight loss pill contains collagen or gelatin which is derived from pig bones and hides (good for the fingernails), alpha lipoic acid and silica (a mineral good for the hair and skin). The pill also contains coenzyme Q10 ,and the B-vitamin biotin which keeps hair shiny.

Finally, NV beauty and weight loss pill contains adaptogens ginseng and rhodeola rosea, which can increase energy and stamina.

For an effective weight loss, the pill must be combined with a healthy diet and regular exercise.

The Truth About Abs - It is All About the Diet and Weight Loss Plan

The Truth About Abs is a program which contains all the fundamental guidelines one needs to follow in order to get the perfect body. It talks about how a complete body work-out should follow a proper diet and weight loss. We all know that the ab muscles get strengthened by ab exercises and weight training but most of us are not aware that until that layer of fat vanishes, the toned muscles will stay invisible. Therefore, your exercise routine should be a perfect balance of weight training, exercises that target the ab muscles only as well as cardiovascular activities.

Because diet and weight loss should be your topmost priority, you will have to change your eating habits, unless of course you are used to eating a balanced meal. For the rest of you- the first step is finding a list of food products, segregated on the basis of nutrition. This way, you will know what to eat and what to avoid. After that, you can sit down with your nutritionist and based on your likes and dislikes, formulate a diet and weight lost strategy. That being said, the program is easy to follow as long as you stick to both plans, that is, the diet as well as the exercise routine.

One thing you need to remember is the Truth About Abs will not spoon feed you- it will merely give you the information and the rest will be up to you. In other words, it will do its best to encourage you to change your lifestyle but not tell you how to go about it. The main aim here is to increase the metabolism in order to burn the fat all over the body and especially in the stomach. The program then proceeds to focus on muscle toning.

As far as diet and weight loss is concerned, you need to use your common sense and not believe everything you read. Also, you should never made fad diets a part of your life because while they will definitely work, all the weight and more will come back as soon as you start eating normally again. Besides, these diets leave no room for exercise and the Truth About Abs clearly states that exercise is a must if one wants to sport a beautifully sculpted body.

It may seem very difficult in the beginning but once you get started and begin to see results, you will not need any encouragement to continue. The routine will become an essential part of your life and you will wonder how you could lived without it all those years!

Do not waste your time on the program if you are not going to follow it seriously. It is only for the strong-willed and if you are anything less than that, you will not see maximum results. If and when that happens, you cannot blame the program, the person to be blamed will be staring back at you from your mirror, probably holding a sugary treat.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Easy Steps to Pre-Wedding Weight Loss - Diets For Brides

If you're getting married you want to look like a princess on your wedding day. After all, the pictures will be looked at by you forever and it's the day you get to be the most beautiful girl in a room full of people. If you're looking to fit better into your wedding gown, here are some tips to help you look your best before the 'big day'.


Water will help your complexion and will help your metabolism work faster. Make sure you drink plenty of water every day and avoid diuretics like coffee and soda pop as much as possible.


Even if you don't love exercise, doing a bit of it will help you get motivated and could be a good stress reliever for when you get flustered with seating plans, future in-laws and other pre-wedding worries. Exercise is addictive and once you get started, it releases natural endorphins to help you deal with wedding stress. It's practically therapeutic with some great results


If you're thinking about going on a diet and don't have months to get ready, there are some fast weight loss diets that can help you lose weight fast.


The Calorie Shifting Diet
This diet (also known as the Idiot Proof Diet because of how easy it is to follow) which can help you lose up to 11 pounds in 9 days by tricking your metabolism into working overtime to melt away reserved fat while keeping you full.

Strip That Fat
This one works similar to the above diet and provides you with and automated menu generator with a required five meals a day that will help you lose weight. Great way to lose ten to twenty pounds quick without feeling hungry.

The Special K Diet
This cereal diet requires you to replace two meals a day with cereal and to add healthy fruits and vegetables to your diet for 2 weeks. The result can be a weight loss of about 5-6 pounds.

Sacred Heart Soup Diet
The Sacred Heart or Cabbage Soup diet is a detox and weight loss diet that you do for 7 days for an average ten pound weight loss. This diet feeds you a fat burning soup on a constant basis with an unlimited quantity of food for the seven days provided you follow the regimented daily requirements of what food is eaten on which day.

Look and Feel Your Best!

Every girl wants to look great on her wedding and with some of these quick and easy diet plans you can be on your way to a thinner, more glowing you!

Monday, October 28, 2013

Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss Lesson #48

Giving our burdens to God is the simplest thing we ever have to do. We don't need to worry about all the details and how things are going to show up for us. It is that faith which Divinely guides us in our next step of action.

How often though do we give ourselves over to God's loving embrace?

Did you know that things show up for us in the form of intuition, ideas, people, books? Sometimes we get disillusioned as we believe it's supposed to be in the form we want it to be.

I asked for money, where is it? I asked for a better relationship, where is it? I asked for better health, where is it?

Guess what?

God always delivers. He knows exactly what you need, and the mustard seed is planted.
The harvest is here when God believes you are ready.

We do get impatient while we're waiting for the harvest. We want to hurry up and dig up the seed to ensure it's growing. We work ourselves with worry wondering if that seed will ever produce our abundance and prosperity. What we don't see is the miracle that is taking place underneath the ground to deliver our bountiful harvest. The Universe, in its intelligence, is cultivating the right environment.

Sometimes the answer is right in front of us, but we miss the opportunity.

When we let go of the outcome, we let God and the Universe do the work. We have planted the seed. Our only job now is to be grateful that things are evolving exactly as they should and the delivery date is right here, right now.

God intends that we are joyful in every moment, regardless of our "perception" of our circumstances.

Trust in yourself. When you trust in yourself, you trust in the wisdom that created you.

How does this relate to your health and weight loss?

It is no accident that you are reading this. It is no accident that you have subscribed to this newsletter. You are right where you need to be.

You only need to ask yourself one question.

Is this the answer I've been looking for?

I don't know if I'm your answer. I don't know if I'm exactly what you need. What I do know is that God intends me to help people with their health, simply and beautifully.

Let me see if I can help you make your decision.

Just recently, I was faced with a decision in leasing commercial space in a healing center in Silverdale, Washington. I had heard a strong message that I was supposed to get out in the community more, but I didn't ask to lease space. I have been doing my energy and weight loss practice from my home. The landlord, who was leasing the space, called and said she had seen my flyer for my weight loss program and Isagenix products so I thought she was calling me to help her.

No, she was calling me to see if I wanted to lease space.

So I closed my eyes and said, "Okay, God, if this is really meant for me, I want a zebra to come running through my living room. Then I'll know it's really from You."

Now, this seems pretty silly, but I sure was going through some of this self-talk and also putting my fingers over my eyes and saying, "When I open my eyes, I want you to send me a clear sign that this is what you mean by getting out in the community more."

There was no zebra! No black and white of anything!

I then called a friend asking for assistance with my decision who said these words, "How many more people can you help if you are more visible in the public?"

This is exactly what I needed to hear and I made my decision to lease the space. It's been a very spiritual experience, but you want to know something? It's what I have envisioned for many years. I could picture myself doing this.

When Arnold Swarzennager was interviewed asking how an immigrant could possibly be Governor of California, this was his response. I pictured myself doing this and now I'm just living that picture.

What are you picturing for yourself?

We miss opportunities because we don't want to believe that God provides in ways that we don't quite expect. We miss opportunities because we focus on the lack of money in order to take that step in faith.

God always provides and remember it may not be in the form that we expected. Did you know your salary at your job is only a channel; it is not your Source. Your abundance only comes from one Source and He sends it to you through many different channels.

Hopefully, I've helped you. Make the decision that is right for you.

Choose to have abundant health. I can show you how.

Quick Fresh Juice Recipes for a Quick Weight Loss

Juicing is an efficient way to gain energy while losing weight, to reach your daily intake of the recommended amount of fresh fruits and vegetables and to quickly absorb essential vitamins and minerals that your body needs to function optimally. So even if you're constantly busy with work, school or other daily demands, you can still achieve your ideal body through juicing.

All you need to get started is a good juicer and your favorite fresh fruits and vegetables and you're good to go!

Here are a few quick green juice recipes to help you get started with juicing:

Easy Greens

This delicious, low-calorie juice is an instant refresher that will help alleviate stress. It includes a cucumber which is made up of mostly water, making the juice hydrating and at the same time giving it a refreshing twist. Cucumbers are also natural diuretics which play a big role in eliminating harmful toxins that may get in the way of your health and weight loss.

Because of the cucumber and other healthy ingredients, this delicious juice is rich in protein, sodium, silicon and pectin (a compound known to contribute to weight loss).


1 cucumber

1 green apple

3 celery stalks

2 tbsp. vanilla protein powder

Ring My Bell Peppers

Red bell peppers are packed full of Vitamin C, twice the amount found in green bell peppers and a higher amount than oranges. They are also rich in carotenoids which contribute to skin health and swelling caused by arthritis. This juice helps protect the cardiovascular system and helps reduce the amount of bad cholesterol in the body, making it easier for the body to lose weight.

This nutritious, one-of-a-kind juice is definitely something to try if you want beautiful, glowing skin to go with your fit and healthy body.


2 red bell peppers (with seeds and all)

1 spear of broccoli

1 medium carrots

1 apple

Berry Veggie Juice

Berries and tomatoes alike do nothing but good to both health and weight loss. They contain powerful antioxidants such as Vitamin C, betacarotene, lycopene and selenium which helps protect our cells from damage.

Apart from its weight loss benefits, drinking this juice will help lower bad cholesterol, improve skin complexion, lower the risk of cancer, strengthen immune system and improve energy - that's a lot in just one glass!


1 cup blueberries

1 medium tomato

1 apple

2 carrots

1 stalk broccoli

Replace your meals with these delicious, on-the-go juices and you'll be well on your way to the slimmer, healthier body that you've always wanted.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Weight Loss Simple and Easy

Weight loss does not happen in a vacuum. There are conditions that impelled it. Without weight gain, there will not be a discussion about weight loss. A good starting point in the desire to loose weight is to first figure out where we went wrong. Is it in our diet? Is it in not moving enough? How much of a roll does genetics play in our weight loss? The individual desiring to loose weight must of necessity ask oneself some of these questions and honestly seek to find proven and tested answers.

Where did I go wrong?

Much of America as we know today is overweight. Some reports say a whooping 2/3 of the population is either just obese or morbidly obese. They also show that our food and diet are the main culprits for this epidemic. There is a saying that says, "You are what you eat". It is therefore self evident that we have not eaten the right things in the right amounts. We have been lax with our diet. Knowing this, it would appear that losing weight would be as simple as doing the opposite of what we have done so far. And for many, weight loss would simply mean just that- eating the right things in the right amount and being patient to give the body time to work itself out. And over time, the weight will drop off.

But we live in a complex world and things are not always as simple as they seem. There are old habits to break, and emotions to deal with. There is the issue of time, and availability of the right foods at the right place and time. There are genetic dispositions that sometimes work against our best efforts in weight loss. There is also the noise in the diet and weight loss industry generated by the dizzying number of weight loss products and the claims and counter claims made by the beneficiaries of these weight loss products and programs. The individual desiring to loose weight is therefore faced not only with the weight that he or she needs to loose, but how to approach his or her weight loose goal within such a confusing environment?

The trick is to get back to the basics of weight loss by:

1. Doing all things in moderation. I believe that nothing eaten in moderation will in and of itself become a problem. It is when we over indulge and make a hobby of some foods that we open ourselves for weight problems.

2. Making wise food choices. Instead of loading up on over processed foods laden with sugar, fat and carbohydrates, we can instead load up on foods with high fiber contents as these give a sense of fullness with minimal intake.

3. Drinking sugar free liquids in-between bite as this helps to give us that sense of fullness, without necessarily consuming much.

4. Not being a mindless eater. Mindless eating can be avoided by being aware of what you are eating and how much. Make it a habit to use smaller plates for your servings. Chew your food completely and quit at the first sign of fullness.

5. Ridding your environment of the temptation of mindless eating. According to a recent survey by a popular media house, just by merely moving the candy jar a few feet away from its location, reduced the amount of candy the participants consumed.

6. Only stocking foods that are nutritionally healthy and balanced.

7. Getting enough sleep and

8. Keeping on moving. Be active! Inject some exercise activities into your routine. Activities as simple as just working are very beneficial. Walk to the neighborhood store. Park a little away from the office and walk the rest of the way.

For the morbidly obese, who need to lose more weight, additional help may be necessary. Getting a health or colon cleanse would be a good place to start. The colon, it has been established plays a significant role in maintaining a healthy digestive system and body functions. A toxic and diseased colon creates an imbalance in the body, leading to increased fat deposits, especially around the organs. A health or colon cleanse helps to remove toxins from the body and restores the normal functions of the digestive track and colon, leading to better absorption and removal of fat deposits, especially around the organs.

Weight loss surgery may also be considered where everything else fails. Because of the risk associated with surgeries generally, bariatrics or weight loss surgery should be considered with extreme care. A complete risk benefit analysis must be carried out before a final decision is made. Choose the procedure with the list risk and the most benefits.

3 Secrets to Losing Weight - Diet, Exercise, and Weight Loss Supplements

Weight loss can be a tricky thing and when you have a lot of it to lose, it can be downright overwhelming. Instead of getting overwhelmed about the amount of weight you have to lose, put together a plan that will work and help you keep off the weight. You need to start with little goals. Don't look in the mirror and think "how am I going to lose 100 pounds?" that will seem too daunting to take on. Instead, shoot for your first ten or twenty, something small that will make you feel confident and renewed when you get there. This will be the energy that keeps you moving on through your diet plan. A good diet plan is essential too. You need to have a plan in place that includes healthy eating, exercise and could include a weight loss supplement.

Healthy eating and exercise are the two most important factors you will need to conquer. A weight loss supplement can help with a jumpstart for your goals or to speed up your metabolism during your diet, but they should never be used long term or in place of a good weight loss plan. When you are looking to lose weight you should be thinking of your overall health over your lifetime, not just the bathing suit for summer. When you approach trying to lose weight this way you will find greater success as you put into place new healthier habits that will change your way of thinking about food, exercise and staying fit. This will then become a part of your new life and easier to do as time goes by.

Lose weight with a buddy or make it a household change you all make together to become healthier people. You can find the inner strength to lose the weight and keep it off with the right plan using a combination of healthy eating, exercise and weight loss supplements for a quick start option. Talk with your doctor about your weight loss plan and celebrate the little achievements along the way. Soon you will be the beautiful, healthier person you've always wanted to be.

Weight Loss For Women Using The Natural Support Of 100% Pure Essential Oils

Many of us struggle with our weight and weight loss, and need to tone and firm our bodies back into shape - especially with the onset of summer, or a special event such as a pending wedding. And sometimes as well as a healthy diet and exercise, we may need or want a little extra help with the firming of "problem areas" and toning of your tummy, thighs and bottom...

Being able to help suppress the desire to over-eat, reduce cellulite and fluid retention, and promote elasticity and healthy circulation in a purely natural and safe way is certainly worth considering - especially if it helps to quicken weight loss efforts.

The winning formula uses completely natural 'body renovation' products designed to support weight loss for women.

Fortunately, there's a range of 100% pure essential oils designed to work alongside exercise and a healthy diet, which with dedication, can support women during any weight loss programme and result in visible, and sustainable toning and firming effects. Women can now tone thighs, tone stomach regions and reduce cellulite effectively and naturally.

Designed to meet a growing demand for integral bodycare that is truly healthful, these products are made with wild and organic botanical ingredients at 'medicinal grade' levels of purity. So pure and so close to the body's own composition, the medicinal grade essential oils can be absorbed directly to integrate with natural processes.

The active ingredients in some therapeutic essential oils, and their effectiveness in penetrating the skin's epidermis, can help with the natural breakdown of cellulite. With the right formulation and application techniques, skin cells are also nourished and supported to; maintain effective fluid exchange - which combats the swollen effects of fluid retention; and promote natural elasticity and healthy circulation - to help tighten skin back to its original form as your weight reduces or you change shape. Plus their intense nutritional value can also affect a response in the skins outer layer that radiates good health and hydration.

In addition to 100% pure essential oils that penetrate the skin, some are also known to have a profound therapeutic effect on the nervous system that can help body and mind find balance for both healthy eating and positive change - suppressing any desire to overeat, snack or graze.

Rather than buy slimming and trimming powders or pills for that little bit of extra help with weight loss, why not use a natural, beautiful botanical product to help do the job?

Choose to use totally natural healthcare products with ethical origins, exceptional purity, organic certification, and impeccable credentials. It's the best way to naturally support your body during any weight loss programme.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

The Secret of Youth - Youth and Weight Loss For Ultimate Health

Aah you say! The Secret of Youth? No way! It does not exist! But!!!!! Read on........ So the cat is out of the bag and everyone can be let into the secret of youth. I don't mean an actual Fountain of Youth, brimming over with beautiful, crystal clear water just waiting for us to find it and take that first glorious sip to eternal youth! I mean something that we ALL have access to. Every single day of our lives. And I mean Everyone!

Oh and who wants to live Forever anyway?

Have you ever heard of the Pineal Gland? Not something that crops up in every day conversation, but often referred to as the third eye? I always imagined it as a real eye sitting behind my forehead, until I read an amazing article on the Pineal gland and did some research. This gland is about the size of a small peanut, nestled in the middle of the brain, well protected from any knocks and bumps. So surely a gland that is so protected must be very valuable? Some folks don't think so but read on and be amazed.

This tiny gland is known as the body's ageing clock, ageing in parallel with the body. Its job is to secrete Melatonin, a hormone which co-ordinates all of the body's systems and plays a major role in our overall health and wellbeing. Melatonin regulates all the body's needs when we are in good health. It is said to reduce stress, boost immunity, deepen sleep and promote longevity. And the added bonus is that weight loss will occur naturally when you are sleeping properly too. The Pineal Gland only releases Melatonin during the dark hours when we sleep, and as soon as we are exposed to light, it stops, and this acts as a signal to the body to wake up.

In order for the Pineal Gland to remain healthy, we need to eat for ultimate wellbeing. It needs nutrients in order to function at its best, and the food sources for these nutrients may sound familiar, as they are also what the body needs to function at its best.

First off we need the 'building blocks of protein'. Tryptophan, which also plays a crucial role in the production of Melatonin. It is essential in the diet and comes from plant sources such as tofu, most soya products, sesame and pumpkin seeds, lentils, black-eyed beans and dates and walnuts. The body utilizes tryptophan more easily from these sources than when taken from animal sources.

Secondly, although calcium is important in the diet, so is Magnesium, as this stops too much calcium going where it should not go, i.e. clogged arteries, kidney stones and brittle bones. Most of us are Magnesium deficient since the introduction of processed foods, which have been depleted of their natural core. We need large amounts of this 'behind-the-scenes Worker' since our bodies don't retain Magnesium easily.

When the pineal gland starts to die - in other words we age - it calcifies. Magnesium is vital for energy production in the pineal gland. When we don't get enough magnesium the pineal gland cannot function properly - and we need to keep that little gland happy! Along with lethargy and muscle weakness, insomnia is a common symptom of magnesium deficiency; something that melatonin is famous for sorting out. Good sources of magnesium include green, leafy vegetables; beans; nuts; seeds and whole grains.

So what are you waiting for?

Start looking after your own Secret of Youth. Stay young and vibrant for as long as possible by changing your eating habits today!!!

Fast Weight Loss - 9 Steps to Creating an Exercise Program For Fast Weight Loss

The first step - Create the proper mindset. Often times people will make statements like "I hate to exercise, it is so boring or it takes too much time." Some will say, " I always feel tired or I sweat too much." If you want to create fast weight loss through daily activity, you have to change your mindset.

Second step - If you have any doubts about your physical ability, check with your doctor before starting out on this new adventure. Once you get the okay from your doctor, then make a commitment to making this new behavior a part of your daily routine. This is the beginning of the fast weight loss.

Third step - Find something that you enjoy. This is the real secret to continuing the fast weight loss process. Changing how you feel about the experience will help you stay interested in following through.

Fourth step - Pick an activity that you can easily do. There is an endless amount of choices that you can make. Something aerobic would be the category to select from. Here are your options: walking, riding a bicycle, dancing swimming, water aerobics, skating or rollerblading. Then there is yoga, pilates and stretching. If you don't like these choices, there are still more. Starting one of these activities can start the fast weight loss process.

Fifth step - Get started. Begin slowly and don't overdo it. Listen to your body; allow it to be a comfortable experience. Make sure your breathing is comfortable. You should be able to carry on a conversation while exercising. You can begin with as little as 5 minutes a day and build up to 30 minutes per day. With your continued effort you can experience fast weight loss.

Step six - Be persistent. With daily effort your endurance will continue to increase. In no time at all you will be able to sustain 30 minutes of continued activity. Now as you begin to get into better shape you will be on your way to experiencing fast weight loss.

Step seven - Here is the benefit to the overall process. This ongoing habit will cause your metabolism to speed up not only while exercising, but will continue for several hours after you finish. At this point you are probably beginning to enjoy how much better you feel. You are creating the behavior for fast weight loss. Keep it up you are on your way.

Step eight - Once you can comfortably continue the behavior for 30 minutes daily, you are ready to find out about the next secret to fast weight loss. Interval training will really reeve up your metabolism. This activity involves going back and forth from a comfortable pace for 1 minute to a very fast pace for 1 minute. Continue back and forth for 20 to 30 minutes.

Step nine - the final step - When you implement the interval training you will certainly crank up the fast weight loss. Here is the best part, this type of training will double the burn time for your metabolism after you finish the workout. Make sure you drink plenty of water before and after your workout. Keep yourself hydrated. Enjoy your new exercise and weight loss endeavor.

Fasting and Weight Loss Tips - Keeping It Safe And Simple

Fasting is a great way to begin any weight loss program. It's also a great way to clean out your body. If you've ever thought about doing a full body cleansing, read these fasting and weight loss tips before you begin.


People don't realize that there may be underlying reasons they should not begin a fast. I became very ill, damaging my thyroid when I went on a ten-day fast, without seeing my doctor first. My body had been deficient in protein which is vital for thyroid health and building hormones. A simple blood test would have resulted in my repairing that imbalance before I began my fast. Symptoms? After losing 15 lbs. on the ten-day fast, I gained 20 lbs. back within five days. I was so puffy I looked like the Michelin Man. My eyes were almost swollen shut. I couldn't get my rings off. My blood pressure had skyrocketed. So, another of my fasting and weight loss tips is to see your doctor before trying a fast for the first time.


All right! Now that you've seen your doctor, how do you begin? You must choose a good fasting and cleanse program. The important thing to remember is that once you've chosen a fast, follow their instructions exactly.


Water is the key ingredient of a fast or ANY weight loss program. You must drink at least half of your body weight in water every day. Here is another one of my fasting and weight loss tips - stay close to a bathroom the first week until your body gets accustomed to all of that glorious liquid. I am a big believer in supplementing all that water with as much green tea, unsweetened juice, and broth you can get into yourself on top of the water. All of that liquid will be flushing out all of those nasty toxins, heavy metals, left over bits of pesticides, and other critters that have been instrumental in making your brain, your digestive system, your liver, and your metabolism so sluggish.


It's vital that you are very careful ending a fast. Follow your program's instructions to "T". I personally begin by eating raw or steamed organic fruits and vegetables for 4 or 5 days. By the end of two weeks I am feeling as though I've had a complete body overhaul.


The most important of my fasting and weight loss tips is to not let negative emotions to drag you down. Think positive! You really can do this! Keep your mind busy with other things when you feel discouraged. Keep a journal. Focus on the goal! Visualize that beautiful new you!

Friday, October 25, 2013

Whole Foods And Weight Loss

Tips for beautiful lean and toned summer body.

Whole foods and weight loss work together. In order for you to lose weight healthily it will benefit you greatly if you followed a whole food eating plan. Success comes with consistency and what we ideally want to do is to lose fat and maintain lean muscle mass, which requires a specific macro-nutrient ratio and exercise. Now you might be thinking "what is a macro-nutrient?' There are three macro-nutrients: Carbohydrates, Protein and Fat. All foods we consume is made up of one or more of these macro-nutrients, by food I mean 'real' food.

Whole foods and weight loss

The nutritional component of eating is the part of the equation we can immediately take responsibility for and change. Food today is loaded with chemicals, additives, preservatives and hormones which alters our bodies chemistry and taste buds so we eat more. Some foods like sugar are also addictive and affects our hormones, brain and body chemistry.

Whole foods and weight loss

In order to achieve a mind that is healthy and a body that is naturally slim, a holistic approach to nutrition and lifestyle is required. Start by identifying toxins present in your body and the foods you eat that will not help you achieve your goals and will actually inhibit your desired results. The first step is to cleanse and to rid your body from these toxins and supporting it with proper nutrition and exercise to create the favourable conditions within your body to lose weight and get lean. Toxins builds up around your fat cells and if you don't break down these toxins first, it will be very difficult to lose weight.

Nutrition, whole foods and weight loss

Natural, fresh whole foods are better for your health as well as your waistline. The cleaner you eat, the more leaner you will become and the more energy you will have to have a better quality of life. When you eat natural whole foods you will eat less as they are less calorie dense.

Eat organic food as much as possible, but if you can't then make sure your animal products like chicken, meat and dairy are hormone free. Eat lots of raw fruit and vegetable, nuts and seeds. Remember natural, unprocessed foods is nutrient dense. Processed food is calorie dense.

Your diet is 90 percent of your results and exercise is the other 10 percent, your diet takes care of the fat loss and exercise sculpts your body, especially effective resistance training.

Whole foods and weight loss

Eating only whole food has many benefits. Whole foods compensates for deficiencies in the diet and stimulates the metabolism. You receive essential nutrients in a concentrated form without excess calories. It balances your sugar levels and gives the energy you need during weight loss.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Are Weight Loss Supplements Right For You?

The debate about whether supplements for weight loss are healthy or not will go on and on for years to come. There are good and bad points to using weight loss supplements. One of the bad points is that once you stop taking them you gain everything back that you lost to begin with.

Most doctors will tell you that weight loss supplements are not necessary and that only a good controlled diet along with daily exercise is the only thing one needs to lose weight. This is true. however with today's working society with 2 parents working and trying to raise children at the same time who has time for exercise? Who has time to plan good nutritional meals?

I know first hand what this is all about. My wife is probably around 60 pounds over weight. Now before we go any further I would just like to say that I love her just as much now as I did when we first met. Her weight does not bother me. She is a beautiful person both inside and out. But I know inside she is hurting. And for the last several years she has struggled with her weight almost daily. And the biggest problem as I mentioned above is time. Time to prepare good quality nutritious meals both for her self and the children. Time to do sufficient exercise in order to burn off calories.Our schedule is chaotic to say the least. She works from 9:00 AM till 5:00 PM. I work from 3:30 PM till 12:00 AM . When I'm not with the kids she is with the kids. Only on weekends do the kids have both parents home at the same time.

Back to supplements.

First they will not work if you do not get the proper diet and at least exercise once per week. My wife has tried supplements and they did work for her. What supplements do is to help speed up your metabolism rate decreasing the need for daily exercise. They also supplement the nutrition needed that you may not be getting from your diet for proper weight loss. Weight loss supplements actually regulate your blood sugar level, this helps you overcome severe sugar and carbohydrate cravings that sabotage even the most strong-willed weight loss efforts.

So are weight loss nutrition supplements right for you? When my wife lost 40 pounds using supplements she felt great. She was happy and gained allot of self esteem back. Not to mention that she had allot more energy. If you have a hectic schedule and cannot find enough time in the day to prepare proper nutritional meals and get regular daily exercise then I suggest you give supplements a try.

My opinion is that if they help you to lose weight and make you feel good about yourself again then go for it. What do you have to lose except a few pounds. There are hundreds of products on the internet you can try. A couple of my wife's favorites can be found at the following web page. []

You can also get good information on dieting and weight loss at this site along with a very handy calorie calculator.

Easy Weight Loss - 5 Strategies to Lose Weight

What is your favorite foods? Do we need to have time to exercise to see some changes in our body weight? The types of work, compare the work of an office clerk that almost in front of the computer within the whole office hours to a farmer that has performing difficult task but his body are having exercise. As you have noticed, your type of work really matter to lose your weight easily.

* Tips: Have time to exercise after work or before dinner.

The food that you eat. You are not aware with the food that you eat, it might be delicious but do you think the food that you intake has enough calorie or fat that needs your body, or it is just enough for you to just eat the food without practicing to look at the label and find it how much calorie, how much fat and the nutritious facts. It is necessary to always find time to know about the food that you eat everyday. Learn the food should you intake per day.

* Tips: When eating food-choose only the low-fat and low-calorie but nutritious

The way you think can help you achieve your dreams about your weight plan. Think about how many people will get attracted if you make changes in your body. It might be your wife, your husband, your kids, your friends, too much to mention. So motivate yourself by dreaming about "you want to be beautiful". Yes we are all beautiful. What I mean is you want to be beautiful inside and outside - to be healthy.

* Have a positive talk to yourself - say this " I am Beautiful, I am Unique, I am Healthy".

Watch your stress response. How do you response to stress? It is a good idea to find sometime to relax. To meditate. Let me tell you about the movie "A Beautiful Mind". For me, the movie talk about the benefits of a good way of thinking and the beauty of every living creatures. Remember, stress can cause bad health, prone to accidents, and can lead to death. Do not eat more when you are in stressful situation, just eat normally - stop when you are full. In this way, you are helping yourself to overcome your problems of your body weight.

* Stress will also help you to lose weight easily if you know how to deal with it especially in your eating habit while you are in stressful situation.

Ask Good' help. It is true that we can be healthy through exercise, proper sleep, proper diet and good way of thinking. What we think is what we are. If you don't find the solutions to your weight problems. Simple praying can help you. Ask God to help you fight the wrong temptation with alcohol, bad eating habits, for being lazy to exercise and most of all ask God not to give up with your weight loss problem. Promise Him to use your health, your strength to serve Him and to serve other people.

* You can always find a way, find a solution to your weight loss problems through the help of prayer.

I hope this Easy Weight Loss - 5 Strategies to Lose Weight will help you along the way. You can find more solution, effective weight loss supplement that has lots of successful story, testimonials online.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

'Mindfulness' - A Holistic Approach to Weight Management and Weight Loss Without Dieting

Giving up food and weight control to a holistic natural process, linking mind, body and spirit, after years of playing the dieting game, can be a scary prospect. That is until you consider that the human mind actually knows how to do a jolly good job of taking care of you, if you could only switch off your judgmental and self-critical thoughts.

These are the negative thoughts that get in the way of the natural mind, body processes and produce the stress and emotions that lead to our inappropriate comfort eating. They keep our mind firmly routed in the past or the future, yet it is the present moment that contains all the information we need to instinctively make the right choices with food and life.

In the present moment, 'The Now', we are...

· In touch with our body signals and satiety levels

· Able to make rational and appropriate choices about food, without them being obscured by emotion

· Able to make choices of food that works well with our body

· Able to see and feel the joy of life and therefore do not need to find comfort in food

Training the mind is no different from training the body. It takes daily practice in mindfulness techniques. These are a variety of meditative and body awareness practices, that when used regularly, every day, change the way you view and use food. The wonderful thing is that these changes occur without you even controlling them.

Take the example of last weekend. I had a personally difficult and emotional situation that would have normally sent me on frequent visits to the refrigerator. My comfort eating and even binge eating would have been triggered by the stresses of my emotions. In the past I may sometimes have managed to overcome the temptations of my mind but it would have still been struggle.

Using the Mindfulness techniques I was able to sit and welcome my emotions, not bury them with food. By healing the emotions and letting them go I was again, balanced and at peace. Where peace is present, there is no need for food as there is no longer anything that needs comforting.

Without the constant clutter of negative chatter or emotions, the mind is able to see clearly the loving choices that the moment presents. Instead of withdrawing from the world and eating inappropriately I was able to easily make decisions that enabled me to stay in the moment, connected with the love and beauty that surrounds us every minute of our lives.

This is where reality lies, not in the past or the future. This is where our mind is free to make the choices it needs to keep us happy and healthy. Of course we need to spend some of our time in reflecting on the past and planning for the future. It is all about balance and making sure we spend time every day in mindful pursuits.

Top Secret to Weight Loss

Use Power of Imagination for Weight Loss

Focus and commitment go hand in hand. Having trouble staying committed to your good health and weight loss? When you have the answer of what can provide the good health and weight loss, you will need to act upon the information. This is where imagination can make a huge difference in causing your commitment so the actions remain consistent.

For example, imagine an extremely important occasion you will miss if you don't focus on being fit and healthy. This is where the power of imagination can help.

Imagine what you are doing now that you are slim, trim and healthy. Focus on having that which you imagine and quickly leave the fear that creeps in about not having what you imagine occur.

Examples of What Can Occur as a Result of Weight Loss and Good Health

If you are single, imagine the person of your dreams inviting a group of people to come over for a pool party. You know this person has pool parties fairly often in the summer. Imagine showing up at the next pool party looking and feeling your best.

Are you in your 40's or 50's? Imagine the joy of having the energy and fitness to enjoy getting on the floor with your grandchildren or bending over to tie their shoes. Imagine what weight loss and good health can do for your enjoyment of your grandchildren.

Adult children getting married? Imagine as a mom looking slim and beautiful when dancing with your son at his wedding reception. Imagine how proud you son will be of you. Are you the dad? When you dance with your daughter, imagine how debonair you will look as you dance with your daughter before she has her first dance as her new husband's wife.

Is your spouse fit and healthy? Imagine going with your spouse on the cycling trips and being one of the cyclists rather than driving the car. Imagine when you see the healthy cyclists at the destination point, the exhilaration you will experience as a result of having accomplished the same feat they have and sharing about it.

Imagine All You Can Be as a Result of Weight Loss and Good Health.

Reset your body weight. It starts today. Create a measurable amount of weight you must lose before the event you have imagined and how long before you are ready for the event. Then remember you must stay focused toward that goal each and every day and month until it is achieved.

When you imagine the pain and agony you will experience if you don't stick to the plan, it will press you toward the goal. Move toward the joy and happiness and you will attract joy and happiness along the way which will make your goal that much easier to reach.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Bikini Bound Weight Loss: 6 Easy Steps To Get That Slimmer Body Before Summer Arrives

It might still feel like winter at your house, or maybe the mid-season blossoms of spring are just coming out in your backyard, but you are sweating like you're in 109 degree temperature on an isolated island off the east coast of Florida. Are you going to lose weight in time for summer this year?

Spring is actually a great time to lose weight! Not only does summer follow spring (which makes spring a great time to lose weight), but spring also provides opportunities for quick, healthy and fun (yes, I said fun) weight loss.

Here are six spring weight loss activities that are sure to get you going towards that summer weight goal.

1.) It's time to get that winter hum drum out of your system! Spring is here!

Be determined you are going to spend this spring season making yourself a better and healthier person. With a positive mindset and anticipation towards a better life ahead, you can rest assured you are well on your way towards being the person you want to be.

2.) Spring clean your digestive system like Monk cleans his house.

Even colonial folk drank Dandelion tea during Dandelion season (yep, the spring) to clean their... uh hum... 'human pipes' and get their (oh well, let's just say it) drainage going. Our bodies need to efficiently process and eliminate food as well, especially during this heightened period of physical activity and weight loss.

One of the cheapest and most natural ways of doing this is to drink plenty of water and purposely include fiber in your diet.

You might also try a glass of water with one to three teaspoons of organic apple cider vinegar along with some Spenda or Stevia a couple times a day, usually a few minutes before eating a meal. Apple cider vinegar has pectin which is a natural fiber. It has loads of vitamins and minerals too, by the way. If you decide to incorporate ACV into your spring routine, make sure you purchase organic apple cider vinegar with "With the Mother" marked on the outside of the label so you'll know you are getting the fiber and cleansing agents you need.

3.) Start (or vow to maintain) a good vitamin and mineral supplement routine this spring.

Did you know that missing some vitamins or minerals in your body can upset the balance of power in your fat regulating processes? Lacking some vitamins or minerals can also deregulate some of the hormones that affect your sleep as well. Researchers are discovering that people with too little sleep are actually gaining more and more weight!

If you are going to lose weight, you need to make sure your body's nutrients are in order!

4.) Now, let's get moving!

Spring is, perhaps, the best time of year to start or expand an exercise program. It's nice weather out there these days. Go out and enjoy it somehow! You'll work off some pounds doing so as well!

5.) Try new and healthier recipes this spring.

Use this season to start your own vegetable recipe notebook and then make some special trips to the farmer's market to try some new vegetables you have never had before. Make it fun!

6.) Get out and go, go, go baby!

Keep going to the mall each week, and keep looking at those clothes you want to get when summer arrives. Keep your spirits up when you go. Just remember, those attractive clothes are not that far out of reach if you keep up the good work you have started this spring! (Hey, and stay out of the cinnamon bun store when you go, at least for a while!)

Spring brings with it new beginnings and beautiful changes. With a determination and a willingness to spend this spring season honestly working towards the weight loss you need, you'll find yourself bursting forth with beauty as well as joy when summer arrives this year. Enjoy the spring this year. It's only the beginning of new and wonderful changes for you!

Women, Weightlifting and Weight Loss

Contrary to much of what women read online, weightlifting doesn't necessarily help women lose weight. But if you're looking to reduce body fat then weightlifting is a great idea for women of all ages.

When women work out with weights, they're burning calories - an important step in weight loss. Further, the more muscle on a woman's body the greater number of calories her body will burn 24 hours a day, even at rest or while sleeping. And a properly-designed weight training regime will keep that extra fat burning going for hours after her gym time ends - a nice bonus from her weightlifting efforts!

Healthy nutrition to support women's weightlifting plays an important role in her weight loss regime as well. A lower carbohydrate intake should be part of any diet plan, and the higher protein intake both supports the muscle building process and burns off more calories to digest than do fats and carbs. For example, a cup of cottage cheese before bed will keep a body burning calories for up to 4 hours as it makes its way through the digestive system - and what could be better for burning fat than having your body burn extra calories while you're sleeping?

The net effect for women, over time, is complete body shaping - fat melting away, muscles firm and strong and extra energy and vitality to face each day's challenges. No more wobbly skin under the arms, the appearance of a deeper cleavage and a healthy glow to the skin and face - all are pleasant changes most women desire.

But you'll sabotage your own results if you're too focused on the concept of losing weight. Generic, systemic weight loss should never be your goal, because if you're simply using the scale to monitor your progress you'll end up losing as much muscle as fat, and quite possibly more muscle than fat. Muscle is much denser than bodyfat, and so weighs more for a smaller amount. And your body is designed to rid itself of unnecessary muscle while maintaining fat stores for future energy needs. Weightlifting is the only way to convince your body it still needs the muscle you have, and maybe even that it needs a bit more.

Worrying about building big, bulky muscles from women's weightlifting is unnecessary, since a woman's body doesn't produce sufficient testosterone for the job - you have about 1/10th of the testosterone levels a man has, and look what they go through trying to build big, muscular bodies! Your muscles will get stronger and probably a bit bigger, and your reduced body fat levels will make them more noticeable when you flex - but you will certainly retain, and most likely enhance, your beautiful feminine appearance.

Working out lifting weights effectively will let women reshape their bodies and achieve the look they're after - without losing weight. Since muscle is much more dense than fat, your weight may well stay the same throughout your body transformation, or even increase slightly. But then wouldn't you rather be fit, healthy, shapely, sexy and energetic than skinny, tired and unhealthy? To achieve the body you want start your weightlifting program today!

Fast Weight Loss Diet - This Fast Weight Loss Diet Will Get You Into Shape Starting Today

A fast weight loss diet is often sought by men and women wanting to lose weight for a special occasion. This article will discuss the best diet tips to lose weight fast plus some fun calorie burning activities that will help you shift those unwanted pounds.

There is a lot that can be easily implemented into a person's lifestyle to help them lose unwanted pounds quickly. As you read this article it's my hope that you will be amazed at simple lifestyle steps that you can implement into your daily life to help you get to your goal kilogram weight.

Firstly, water plays a very important role in the life of a dieter. It is important that you drink a lot of water on a daily basis as water both flushes out unwanted toxins and also makes your skin and hair healthy. Even better is the fact that water has no calories at all. Also, have a glass of water as soon as you wake up in the morning. Not only is a great way to start the day but it also helps with digestion first thing in the morning.

Additionally, every time that you sit down to enjoy a meal drink a full glass of water before you start eating. This will make you automatically feel fuller and less like gorging and overeating. As you continue eating throughout the meal keep drinking water throughout, even after every mouthful. It will assist in the food settling in your stomach and also helping you feel fuller much quicker.

As water contains no calories, it is a good idea to enjoy foods that contain a lot of water to help you with your weight loss goals. Tomatoes and watermelons are made up of around 95 percent water so they also will help you feel full without undesired calories.

The worse thing you can do when trying to shift unwanted pounds is skipping meals. Skipping meals usually makes you feel more hungry later so that you grab the first thing that's handy which is usually junk foods.

Don't make any food a no-no. By banning foods from your diet you only end up craving them more and overeating. Instead, make them a special treat once a week in small portions.

Avoid crash diets as they are bad for your health. Most people who start on an unsafe crash diet end up putting on all the extra kilograms they've lost plus extra so be realistic in your goals.

Dry wines are much better for you calorie-wise than sweet wines which contain a lot of sugar so stick to the drier varieties in small doses.

When you do notice a change in your shape or on the scales reward yourself without food. A trip to the mall, beauty parlour or hardware shop if you're male will help you keep on track and stick to your plan.

There are also a comprehensive number of free weight loss diet and exercise plans online so have a look out for them online.

Join a forum populated by people who are also losing weight as they will help you stay motivated.

Below I'm going to list some fun calorie busting activities that you can implement in your daily activities to help you move those pounds even quicker.

Badminton is a fun way to lose calories. An hour badminton game burns an incredible 306 calories.

A game of basketball burns 137 in a short 20 minute game.

Tossing a Frisbee at the beach can help you burn 205 calories in 60 minutes.

Horseback riding is a great fun way to burn calories and burns 273 calories in a 60 minute ride.

As this article has explained, there are many things that you can easily start doing every day starting today that will help shift those unwanted pounds.

For more information and weight loss diet plans check out the website below!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Walking and Weight Loss - My Top 10 Tips

If you are trying to lose a few extra pounds have you ever considered walking and weight loss? It is probably the best proven method to lose weight steadily and at a healthy rate. The benefits are numerous;

  • You don't need fancy equipment
  • You don't need gym membership
  • It's exercise that is accessible for all
  • It can be sociable
  • Or time for yourself
  • It has proven benefits for toning, cardiovascular and stress reduction
  • You get to enjoy things you would miss in faster paced exercise.
  • And if you make it part of your regular habit - You Will Lose Weight!

Ready to Go? Here are some tips that will help you get the most out of your walking

  1. Take a good stance before you begin to walk. Head high, shoulders relaxed and breathe deep into the abdomen.
  2. Maintain a moderate pace, neither too fast nor too slow. My guide is to walk at a pace that gets me mildly out of breath, but still able to have a conversation.
  3. Swinging your arms as you walk will increase the amount of calories you burn.
  4. Invest in good walking shoes. You will avoid blisters and other injuries
  5. Don't be tempted to push too hard on your first walks. Take your time; your pace will build up and at first slightly slower will still burn calories.
  6. Try to incorporate your walking into normal daily life; this will make it more likely you will continue.
  7. You can use essential tasks to supplement your walking. Walk short distances rather than take the car and use the stairs at work. Every step counts.
  8. Avoid checking the scales too regularly. Regular walking will lead to toning and weight loss over time. Make the first check after a month.
  9. Enjoy your walking. Look around you and notice nature. Last week 7 deer crossed the path in front of me. Beautiful.
  10. Build your distances slowly. If you attempt a ten mile hike of day one you will probably give up after a day of nursing aches and blisters.

So there you have it my top 10 tips. You can gain so much pleasure from walking, it can be done at your own pace and to suit your level of fitness and it is suitable for any age - My dad, at 81 still walks regularly and can out pace many half his age. Walking will also compliment any other healthy eating or exercise plan you may choose to follow.

It Is Essential To Have A Nutritious Eating Plan For Weight Loss After Pregnancy

Eating healthy should be a lifelong commitment. Avoid foods that have little or no nutritional value such as chips, snack cakes, soda, candy, and fast food. This doesn't mean you can't occasionally indulge, just make sure you don't indulge too frequently! Remember the old adage to take all things in moderation. To successfully shed your unwanted pregnancy pounds, you need to get back to basics. That is, to eat sensibly and exercise.

The birth of your baby offers a unique opportunity to change unhealthy eating habits. You have a few extra pounds that you are determined to lose. Persistence combined with basic nutritional knowledge will help you lose your excess baby weight and regain your beautiful pre-pregnancy figure. However, as a busy mum, an eating plan that is easy to implement is a must. When planning meals, select foods that can turn into quick meals that require minimal preparation time. By planning healthy meals and shopping smart, you can successfully lose weight without sacrificing time with your family.

It is recommended that a breastfeeding mum consume between 2,200 to 2,400 calories per day. The target calorie intake for non-breastfeeding mums is between 1,900 and 2,100 calories.


A well-stocked pantry, refrigerator, and freezer are critical to weight loss success. You should have the following food items available:

o Canned fruits and vegetables

o Fortified whole grain cereals

o Dried fruits

o Brown rice

o Whole grain breads

o Healthy oils such as canola, olive, or sunflower oil

o Skim milk

o Yogurt

o Low fat cheese

o Fresh fruits

o Fresh vegetables

o Poultry and fish

o Fresh salad

o Low fat deli meats


Your freezer can also be used to store more convenient healthy foods for emergencies and pre-prepared foods to save time later. These include:

o Frozen veggie, turkey, salmon, and tuna burgers.

o Keeping chopped bell peppers and onions in the freezer cuts down on preparation time and translates into quick work in the kitchen.

o Frozen vegetable mixes help to make stir-fries in a hurry, work well in most dishes, and are a nutritious alternative when you don't have fresh vegetables on hand.


Canned products are fantastic at providing nutritious, convenient food options. Always choose low sodium canned goods. Below are a few healthy choices that will fit into your busy schedule and your weight loss regime.

o Nutritious Soups: Select soups that contain less than 3 grams of fat and less than 500 mg of sodium per serving. You can also add frozen vegetables from the freezer.

o Beans: Black, navy, and kidney are a few types of beans that are quick, easy, and nutritious. To reduce salt, simply rinse and drain the legumes before cooking.

o Flavored tomatoes: Whether Mexican, Italian, or spicy, these canned tomatoes are seasoned with various herbs and spices. Again, pay particular attention to sodium content.

It is essential that a well-balanced, nutritious food plan is developed to encourage weight loss after pregnancy. The table above provides a list of food types, vitamins, and the benefits they provide. Make wise food choices from the list above to ensure you receive the recommended daily allowance of important vitamins and minerals.

When attempting to lose weight, low-fat protein is vital as it affects metabolic rate and sustains muscle. In addition, protein has been shown to improve immunity, imperative for any new busy mum. Wonderful sources of low fat protein includes skinless poultry, salmon, white fish, tilapia, canned light tuna, shrimp, oysters, lobster, whole eggs, egg whites, lean beef and ham, veal roast, tofu, and low fat cheese.

You should choose low starch vegetables for the abundance of nutrients they provide. Some great choices include: artichokes, asparagus, beets, broccoli, mushrooms, onions, peppers, spinach, summer squash, celery, collard greens, cucumber, eggplant, green beans, and lettuce.

It is well known that five daily servings of fruit and or vegetables are essential for a well balanced diet. Fruits are an excellent, nutritious alternative to calorie-laden snacks like cakes, cookies, candy bars, and sweet carbonated beverages. In most countries, there is a ready supply of different fruits and vegetables. This affords you numerous options to ensure you consume the nutrients you and your baby require.

Another great staple for busy mums who are trying to lose weight is fresh and prepared produce. With produce on hand, you can create a simple yet delicious stir-fry, salad, or afternoon snack. If you want a salad that includes broccoli, cauliflower, sliced cucumber, shredded carrots, kidney or garbanzo beans, chopped beets, sliced onion, and hard-boiled eggs, your best bet is a salad bar. You will save time by having someone else do the chopping and boiling.

You need fat in your diet for many reasons. Fat helps to build healthy cells, provides energy, supports healthy skin, and provides a protective cushion for your internal organs. A few sources of healthy fat includes: avocado, canola, flaxseed, and olive oil, walnuts, pecans, pistachios, almonds, and sunflower and pumpkin seeds.

Try to select whole grain products. They reduce the risk of coronary disease and also help with weight management. There are a wide variety of foods from which to choose from that includes: brown rice, pasta, whole-wheat crackers, tortillas, and pasta, barley, oats, and wheat berries.

You need two to three servings of low-fat or nonfat milk, cheese or yogurt daily. Dairy, with its important nutrients of calcium and Vitamin D, supports bone health and helps to lower blood pressure. You should include dairy into your diet for proper health and weight loss.


There are common mistakes new mums make that impede weight loss after having a baby. Firstly, new mums tend to skip meals. It is easy to become so focused on your new baby's needs that you ignore your own. Skipping meals is never a good idea. If necessary, schedule time into your busy day to eat well balanced meals. Right after your baby is fed is a great time because he will be more apt to be content with a full belly. Most importantly, foregoing meals negatively affects weight loss. When you severely limit your caloric intake, you actually slow down your metabolism. This is the opposite of what you want and counterproductive to weight loss after pregnancy.

Another common mistake is to restrict one's diet to carbohydrates. Carbohydrates, when eaten alone, raise serotonin levels, the feel-good chemical of the brain. The problem created by only eating carbohydrates is that you tend to eat more because it becomes subconscious and enjoyable. If you want a snack, add protein with carbs such as an apple with string cheese or a banana with peanut butter. This will help to keep your hunger at bay, thereby controlling your calorie intake.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Winning Your Weight Loss War For A Lifetime

Are you fighting the uphill battle of weight loss? Stuck with not knowing who or what to listen to anymore? One person tells you one thing, the next tells you do the exact opposite.

Who should you believe?

There are so many weight loss diets and plans out there that it's growing increasingly harder to decide what actually works and what isn't even worth wasting your time on.

You've gotta know that all of these "miracle" weight loss diets and plans are not what they claim to be, simply because if they all did exactly what they promised to, there wouldn't be a single obese or overweight person left on earth!

The reason so many useless weight loss diets and plans are still around is because most of the useless ones promise "INSTANT Weight Loss!"

Now, tell me who is going to pass up at least trying something like that?

Us humans can be mighty lazy at times and wanting everything to be instantaneous is one of our chief bad habits.

We want our meals prepared instantly at restaurants, we demand web pages to load instantly or we'll just close them, and we also desperately want instant weight loss.

You suspect in the back of your mind of course, that this is impossible, but still you can't help being sucked in by those oh so tempting promises of instant gratification.

"Maybe this one will be different." You tell yourself "It has to be."

But the honest, and yes painful, truth is that weight loss is never instantaneous. You can't just pop some magic pill, go to sleep, and wake up 50 pounds slimmer.


Once your body has stored a certain amount of fat, it's going to want to hold on to it (for dear life it sometimes seems).

What you need to do is force your body to be more willing to burn up that fat, by revving up your metabolism.

You also need to make sure you're doing all the right things to accomplish this revving up. There are too many ways to rev your metabolism for me to go into them all here, but I'll give you a short list of some TRULY KEY things you can do to rev your metabolism until it's roaring along like the ocean surf.

1. Do NOT Skip Meals.

Never, never, never skip a meal if you truly want to rev up your metabolism. If your body thinks you are starving it will actually slow your metabolism down (causing you to burn fat much slower) in an attempt to "keep you alive."

Maybe you don't always have time for meals. Okay, I understand that. Just grab something easy, but nutritious and filling in place of a meal (nuts, fresh fruits & veggies can be quick fixes when you're on the go).

2. Live A Spicier Life

Eating spicy foods can dramatically speed up your metabolism. Try making a jalapeno salsa that you can use on sandwiches or salads. Chopped jalapenos also make a great addition to almost any meat, egg or vegetable dish.

3. Enjoy The Air And Your Favorite Game

Breathing deeply while exercising is also very important for giving your metabolism that extra little "push" it needs. You should do some form of exercise every day, for at least 20 minutes that will cause you to breathe deeply, get your heart racing, and make you break a sweat.

This doesn't have to be painful, do something you already love. Play your favorite "game" or sport. Go biking, skating, swimming, etc. The possibilities are really endless.

Exercise doesn't need to be boring, what it needs to be is something you truly love doing and will be sure to find the time for at least 5 days out of every week. Something you'll actually look forward to.

Do yourself a favor, get your metabolism raring so that you can stop worrying about your weight and start enjoying life.

Women - Fat and Weight Loss

For a good majority of women, fat and weight control related issues have always been very important. Most eat and exercise in order to maintain a healthy weight. While some women find that staying trim comes naturally and they don't have to work very hard at it, others find it pretty difficult to take off a few unwanted pounds most especially as they grow older.

Body image, sexuality and self-image are generally intricately interwoven for women. However the perceptions most women have of their own bodies and also the perception of those whose bodies they love have mostly been negatively impacted by all sorts of social and marketing influences. The media today basically want women to have bodies of pubescent girls that are lean, taut, have hips out, curves out, whose breast must be appropriately perky and youthful with a visible musculature. This is a very high demand to say the least, considering the age factor and the challenges of female hormones.

Sexual empowerment for both men and women begin with high self-esteem and positive body image. When a woman is comfortable with her appearance, size, and shape, she's naturally more tuned to her senses and her sexuality takes on a whole new meaning and more readily want to have sex, try new positions, ideas and sexual techniques. However it is disheartening the degree to which women of today stake their happiness, their future, and/or their sexuality on some fantasised weight loss or other such personal physical "improvement".

It's also interesting to note that while the anger felt by most women about the pressure put on them by the society to have perfect bodies is understandable, most women's appearance is not only scrutinised more carefully by other women but often unfairly criticised by the women themselves. The problem is that most women cannot help but compare themselves. It can arguably be said that most women dress for other women - though they dress to please men - it is what other women say that matter most to them. Men can more easily compliment themselves but this is hardly so for women - who are in a constant competition among themselves to win the supposed "Miss Fit" contest. In fact, women are far more critical about the shape of their bodies and weight than men are about them.

Why do women add more weight than men? A woman's lifestyle (unbalanced dieting and lack of exercise) and her female hormones are the big culprits when it comes to talking about excess fat in women. Women seem to pay a much higher social price for their excess fat while fat men somehow "get away with it". Most fat men get fat by eating too much but this is not always true for women. Naturally, male hormones keep muscle mass high and fat levels low but apparently the reverse holds true for female hormones.

Food is made up of calories, or units of energy. Physical activity and normal body metabolism burn calories. When a person takes in more calories than the body uses, the extra calories are stored as fat. These fat cells enlarge or decrease in size depending on the balance of energy in the body. The metabolic pathways of female hormones favour the reduction of calories used in generating body heat and increasing the storage of body fat by increasing the use of calories to make fat. In general, women's metabolism tends to turn more of their calories into fat, while men's tend to produce more heat from calories. Thus Women get fat more easily than men, and it's harder for them to lose fat.

Most women are actually about the right size, but are unhappy with their shape because they compare themselves with women in the media. However, sometimes weight becomes a real problem physically, medically, emotionally, and/or psychologically. A woman who carries around many extra pounds has a bigger burden than the literal weight as she will be prone to measure herself first, before any personal accomplishment - considering her weight a primary personal failure.

In reality, women should take a more retrospective look at their lifestyle, and the demand being made on them by most of the media. The point is that much of women's frustration about body fat is a mistake. The desire for those super-skinny female celebrities in magazines is based on a misconception. Even a fit, healthy woman would be hard-pressed to achieve the body of these young celebrities. When consideration is given to issues such as pregnancy, motherhood, full-time careers, menopause, and aging in the life of an everyday woman, these over-rated media-hyped models should really vanish into oblivion. Women are simply just setting unattainable goals for themselves.

When women start becoming more confident and taking a more positive attitude toward their bodies, they soon start realising how sexy they really are and can be. The truth is that every woman definitely has some positive qualities about her body - which might be her cute feet, heavy breasts, long eyelashes, super-shiny hair, or marvellous curves. Every woman is unique and while she might be busy looking down on some of your features, there are others wishing they had them. Therefore it is best to be yourself, inside and out and be proud of your physical qualities, enhancing and accentuating them as they are part of your overall sexuality.

However, this is not about disregard for healthy standards. Being overweight can increase a woman's risk of heart disease, breast cancer and diabetes. It also can complicate pregnancy and it may even make getting pregnant more difficult. Long term studies indicate that the overall risk of developing chronic disease is generally related to one's body mass index (BMI) as follows: BMI under 20 (may be associated with health problems for some women - e.g., anaemia, eating disorder, increased susceptibility to infection); BMI 20-25 (risk is very low - healthy weight); BMI 25-26.9 (risk is starting to increase - caution zone: overweight); BMI 27-29.9 (moderate risk - overweight); BMI 30+ (high risk - obese).

Your health risk is only partially determined by weight as there are other risk factors such as poor diet, alcohol, lack of exercise, smoking, high blood pressure and of course female hormones, all which play important roles. However, in their desperate attempt to get rid of fat, some women resort to fasting or to weird, unbalanced dieting gimmicks that simply worsen the problem.

There are many positive actions a woman can take to feel better about her weight as taking good care of her body will help her feel more attractive. If you feel your BMI needs some reduction, especially for health reasons, a healthy balanced dieting to get rid of excess fat is a good starter and women in general should eat as much healthy food as possible. Also routine aerobic exercising to enhance the body's ability to burn fat will help reap the rewards of a healthier, happier and better sex life.

Emotional health is the key to being beautiful. Therefore, self-pride and self-responsibility are imperative requirements, if you want to establish and maintain weight control, a healthy exercise regimen, or some other physical routine. Starting a healthy balanced dieting habit and adding routine exercise will make you feel good about the fact that you are taking positive steps to achieving a fitter, firmer, and overall more healthy body - all of which will make you feel better about showing it off.

However, women should be optimistic but realistic about the prospect of losing excess weight because the fatter a woman is, the less competent her body is at releasing fat from fat cells; preventing calories from entering fat cells and burning fat for calories. As a result, the fatter she is, the less able she is to get rid of fat. The fatter and more out of shape a woman is, the slower the fat loss becomes. Prevention, they say, is better than cure.

Whether you are curvaceous, delicate, muscular, thin, or plump, your body type is part of your sexuality. So start on a healthy balanced diet and routine exercise regime because the sexiest women are those who are most comfortable in their own skin.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Fast Natural Weight Loss Strategies

Weight loss strategies and solutions are preached everywhere where different people claim to have the most active and effective program of all. Among all these, natural solutions have been the most preferred of all. Losing weight naturally demands a lot of control from us. But before we go on this journey we need to ask ourselves, do we have the balls to control our desires, to stand between those attitudes of us that may never allow us to achieve our goals. As simple as it may appear, controlling our appetites for food and eating healthy is the most beautiful program we can ever get involved with for fast weight loss and naturally but it may be pretty difficulty for a beginner like you.

To an average human being there are supposed to be three meals in a day; breakfast, lunch and dinner. And during these times we eat heavy lumps of foods which will not prevent us from taking snacks like ice cream, potato chips, etc. Such a heck for weight loss! Even when we take our dinner very late in the night we will still want to bite through a packet of biscuits while watching the TV or while trying to sort through a file. If we continue like this, why in the world are we not going to get stuck with calories? Nothing will encourage fat burning and weight loss more than food control; controlling what goes into our stomach.

First let us start with your daily three square meals. Instead of eating three square meals which are always heavy quantity of food and do not encourage weight loss, it is better to break it down into smaller frequent meals. It doesn't matter how many times you have to eat for the day, it all matters the amount of what you eat and the nutrient constituents they have. Yes you are not expected to stuff your system with food every now and then; hence you must have a gap of two to three hours between subsequent square meals.

Secondly you have to control calorie intake. Yes we all want to burn those calories so we can achieve weight loss, but they are required in your system to produce the energy you require to function properly. But the problem lay in consuming higher amount of calories than required. Whatever thing you may be eating must be low calorie diet. It will help shove out the problem of weight gain and thus encourage weight loss and fat burning.

Spas Around the World Add Wellness to Beauty, Pampering and Weight Loss

Unlike American employee-based corporate wellness, some spa wellness programs are beginning to address quality of life topics beyond the physical. Corporate wellness in America has been a mild success as medical information, prevention-based efforts. Unfortunately, most such programs have not been of a positive nature focused largely on an exuberant, joyful life.

Wellness education at certain spas represents an advance from historic roles. Most associate spas with beauty treatments, baths, pampering and self-indulgent foo foo. Spas offer healing and rehabilitation, programs for diet and weight loss, fitness testing and holistic treatments and prescriptions. These functions will not be abandoned, given their popularity and profitability, but they won't be the focus if spa wellness trends come into full play. Instead, a wellness era will feature lifestyle education for a quality of life-enhancement philosophy, value system and mindset. Real wellness, after all, is a dramatic alternative to doctors, drugs and disease.

The new spa developments are highlighted by a New York-based international organization called Global Spa Summit, or GSS. This group has sponsored and promoted major trend reports for the past three years. GSS-sponsored studies provide resource material for industry leaders and for all others seeking insights on the spa movement worldwide. GSS has demonstrated that wellness beyond risk reduction represents a new market for the spa industry. Such a transformation would promote the general welfare by advancing citizen health status and effectiveness. Thus, while the well-off are advantaged, we might expect some trickle down benefits for the rest of us.

Each year, GSS hosts a grand forum for spa leaders. This annual conference is called the Spa Summit. Last year's event in Istanbul focused on wellness. The 2011 Summit begins this Sunday in Bali, Indonesia with a theme "Engage the Change: The Customer. The Money. The Future."

Spa Wellness Around the Globe

* From Sweden - Anna Bjurstam, Managing Director of Raison d'Etre, perceives today's consumers as more results oriented, interested in advanced lifestyle coaching, nutrition and chemical-free products. Customers recognize that beauty also comes from within. Wellness is the future; the general mindset of the consumer is learning to live a healthier lifestyle. Ms. Bjurstam emphasizes the importance of accurate information, preferably science-based.

* From Brazil - Gustavo Albanesi, President of the Brazilian Spa Association, reported impressive growth attributed to "a new wellness culture searching for increased life quality, especially in big cities." This culture has changed the way people look at spas, which are becoming part of day-by-day life. The growth of the spa industry in Brazil is also fueled by major upcoming events, particularly the Olympics and World Cup.

* From Europe/Austria - Sha, a spa owner, reports an interest in "Alpine style wellness," adding, "The spa community in Austria must confront and address the essential needs of our high-performance society." This latter addresses mental balance and an array of holistic approaches for stress management (particularly burnout-prevention) and the "real life" of a high-speed society. In Austria and around the world, there is a greater recognition of new social responsibilities for the spa community, The key is incorporating mental enhancement via philosophy, science and the art."

* From Dr. Tamás Várhelyi, a professor in Hungary, came news that Hungarian spas are focused on medical and wellness tourism. He distinguishes between a traditional spa hotel and a wellness hotel-something very few countries do. This is likely a result of Hungary's long history of thermal bathing. The medical spa concept predominates in this region. Last year was the first year the number of wellness guests was higher than traditional spa hotel guests.

* From Filip Boyen, COO of Orient Express. Updates provided concerning hotel spa operators in Spain, Mexico and South Africa. Plenty of hotels were built in Spain during the recent construction boom, mostly accompanied by wellness areas of attraction. The latter are more favored by tourists than locals, who still seek traditional spas. In Mexico, an abundance of new wellness spas are offered focused on yoga and retreats. In South Africa, medical spas address environmental awareness and other aspects of "going green." The keys to success will be offering the highest service standards, a clear concept and wellness education of spa staff.

* From Greece - Vivian Patkos, President & Owner of Le Convivial Luxury Suites & Spas, described innovations in that country emphasizing philosophy and imagination. The Greeks, of course, are known for this emphasis, perhaps due to the work of many early Greek real wellness pioneers, such as Epictetus, Aristotle, Plato, Socrates, Protagorus, Heraclitus, Xenophanes and Thales of Miletus. While none of these legendary thinkers had occasion to keynote a summer gathering of wellness acolytes at the National Wellness Conference, all made their mark on Greek spas and the rest of us everywhere. Asked if it's true, as the world's press seemed to suggest, that Greece is "the one and only country responsible for the corruption and collapse of the universe, Ms. Patkos expressed surprise. She expressed surprise at the fact that Greece was so strong, noting that we had not realized they had such influence and power. Greece, she noted, has an "upscale lifestyle but suffers from interior defamation." For whatever reasons, and many were suggested, "the European Union, democracy and strong labor benefits all seem unable to protect the existing social structure."

The spa business in Greece consists of "big expensive spas with a minimum of personnel and no clients - this is the reality." Ms. Patkos wrote:

Spa business suffers from reduced funding, lack of psychological interest, lack of cheap labor, lack of worst case or survival scenario planning, lack of vision. Nobody understands what is going on. Nobody has the solutions. It is long lasting? It is interesting torture. Greeks were always great in dealing with chaos. And this situation makes them feel like home. But finally, how do we survive this crisis? Here are options:

1. Extremely low prices. This is a simple reaction. The most important thing, though, is to make the client plead not guilty when using luxury spa facilities. Prices need to be much lower than those for bed and breakfasts, offered as an absolute gift: a gift to remind them, silently, but explicitly at the same time, of their real status.

2. Alternative experiences. In a much different way from what they were used to, alternative experiences are the master key to release clients from guiltiness. They need new things in a more sophisticated, but not expensive package.

3. Minimize expensive consumption. It should be available but not advertised and not encouraged. Under these circumstances, consumption of expensive items and products seems kitsch-like and provocative.

4. Alternative pleasure with minimal cost. Idealism, philosophy, culture and art come back. There are many things we can enjoy for free. It is time to include them in our expensive spa products.

5. Effective management. For Americans this is the best, if not the only, way to survive. Greeks were never good in management. They were, however, good in philosophy and imagination. They trained and educated abroad, faced scientific management and now they use it in combination with philosophy and imagination. We need low-cost, unique, non-comparable offerings with maximum impact, alternative products and services not available elsewhere, along with new tactics to stay side by side with precious clients in this transitional period.

Now, during the economic crisis, investing in Greece seems more promising than ever.

* From Germany - When Dietmar Muller-Elmau rebuilt his family's castle hotel, he created a spa in Germany along lines he would want to visit. Thus, he centered a destination spa on classical and popular music, fine food and wine, wellness and the education of children in science and applied reason. His innovative spa is called "Schloss Elmau Luxury Spa & Cultural Hideaway." Asked about changes in the past year, Mr. Muller-Elmau mentioned "less interest in beauty, more in body & mind." In Germany, investment capital these days in the wellness arena seems to be in "the creation of separate spas to ensure perfect tranquility for adults as well as unrestricted quality time for families with their children."

* From Japan - Tomonori Maruyama, chief researcher for Mitsui Knowledge Industry, acknowledged the obvious-that the spa industry, like all other sectors in Japan, was rocked by the March 11 earthquake, tsunami and subsequent nuclear crisis. At least 560,000 people cancelled their hotel bookings; the total number of reservations for April-May's domestic tour packages dropped by as much as half of last year's bookings. However, an anticipated huge recovery construction program is planned for northeastern Japan. Thus, this is a favorable time for investors in new spa wellness facilities. In a personal message received yesterday, Mr. Maruyama noted that he and the people of Japan "can feel and realize again that they are supported by plenty of love all around the world."

* From the U.S. - A summary of American spa developments was not part of the global briefings in advance of the Summit, but Jeremy McCarthy, Director, Global Spa Development and Operations for Starwood Hotels and Resorts, submitted "a bird's eye view of spas around the world" distilled from trends he noticed. "Sleep, food, mood, exercise and other wellness emphases have evolved from being only a physical dimension of health. While the past several decades have focused on food and exercise as the two primary keys to wellness... today's wellness programs incorporate aspects of psychological well-being, such as emotions and mindsets."

* From the host country for the Summit, Martha Tilaar summarized wellness spa developments in Indonesia. Concerning changes in the past year, Ms. Tilaar said the people, especially women, are influenced by Western fashions and trends. Wellness seems to fit with a need everyone feels for balance in daily life. Indonesians seem more conscious now about wellness in this modern, fast world. However the industry lacks standardization and competencies.

In addition to the above notes from countries around the world from GSS reports, I also discovered, thanks to Lutz Hertel of the German Wellness Association (Deutschen Wellness Verbands) of developments in the Caribbean. Dr. Abhishek Jain, senior leader at "The BodyHoliday, LeSPORT" in St. Lucia and a board member of the Caribbean Spa and Wellness Association, noted that there is "a paradigm shift from good old 'pampering' to finding 'purpose', aiming for health 'prevention' and 'promotion' of a healthier lifestyle." Dr. Jain believes "customers seek substantive information on well-being, self-development and added meaning and principles that support increased stimulus thresholds via self-efficacy are in demand."

Well, that's about it - as much up-to-date highlights as you are likely to obtain about wellness advances by spas shy of being in Bali this weekend at the gala Global Spa Summit of spa leaders and innovators.