The Conversation That Changed Everything
About ten years ago I met a man who told me about some remarkable documents he had found that contained many little-known health and weight loss secrets. He spoke of one of his favorite sections which exposed a fountain of youth-like philosophy called “lean-gevity,” and included numerous stories, principles and insights of how to stay lean and live past 100 years of age without slowing down a beat.
My interested grew when he revealed that those who follow the wisdom within these secret scrolls will hold the life-long key to staying trim, healthy and vital. He also mentioned that the sharpness of your mind, the energy of your spirit and your overall life force could be multiplied by applying this simple principle based knowledge. And that these scrolls were like an owner’s manual for optimizing every vital function of the body and mind leading to an empowered vitality few have ever experienced before.
He expressed to me that after reading these documents he realized that most people do the exact opposite of what it is necessary for achieving lean-gevity. It is their lack of knowledge, bad habits and poor attitude that keeps them from succeeding. They go about their lives not paying attention to what their body is saying and ultimately must pay a steep price later on for this neglect. He then added, “Without thinking they shut off the very source of lean-gevity before ever getting started. If they only knew how the right combination could easily unlock their body’s endless energy source they would enjoy a long life filled with vitality off the charts.”
This all made sense to me and I could see his point. My main concern was that my curiosity was killing me. What was on those scrolls? It was at this stage in our conversation that I asked him if he would share some of the details with me of the scroll’s contents and if I could have his permission to share this powerful information with others.
“That is possible on three conditions,” he said to me. I asked him what the conditions were and he exclaimed that in order to best apply these principles that I must first understand them at a core level without placing any judgment on the concepts. Second, that I make a decision to fully integrate them into my life immediately. And finally, once I have experienced the lifestyle and personally benefited from the knowledge I must pass it on to others who make the same three promises.
Needless to say I was not expecting such a request; however I guess he had to test me to see if I was really serious and could carry out handing off this sacred torch to the next generation. The thought of making a real commitment to a lean healthy body for life was very appealing since I have always had a health consciousness. Somehow though I knew this was different. This was something extraordinary that I just had to do, and do in a BIG way.
The Scrolls
At the top of each scroll was the marking of a Roman numeral I – XX (1-20). The words were written with what looked like a special ink pen . Others had signed their name at the bottom of each page indicating that they had completed, learned and implemented that particular lesson or principle. As I looked down at the first scroll the title and first couple of paragraphs caught my eye.
I -Your Body, Your Mind
"The body is the servant of the mind. It obeys the operations of the
mind, whether they be deliberately chosen or automatically
expressed. At the bidding of unlawful thoughts the body sinks
rapidly into disease and decay; at the command of glad and beautiful
thoughts it becomes clothed with youthfulness and beauty.
Strong, pure, and happy thoughts build up the body in vigor and
grace. The body is a delicate and plastic instrument, which responds
readily to the thoughts by which it is impressed, and habits of
thought will produce their own effects, good or bad, upon it.
If you would protect your body, guard your mind. You would renew
your body, beautify your mind.
The Vision that you glorify in your mind, the Ideal that you
enthrone in your heart--this you will build your life by, this you
will become."
The wisdom from even the first few words resonated with me at a deep level. I could now understand why this man valued this information so much. This was only the very beginning and I was totally hooked. I had to read more. And after doing so my life was never the same. This new level of enlightenment and clarity made a profound difference for me from that day forward. Ten years later I continue to help people all over the world understand what I learned and became in the process.
I invite you to follow a similar path if you want to be lean, healthy and live with vitality. I will be sharing more about these powerful lessons in future articles. If you would like continue learning (like I did) be sure to subscribe to my newsletter at: []
Best of Health
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