Is your goal in life to be skinny, healthy, beautiful and happy? I think most of us would answer an astounding "YES" to that question. So many of us, men and women, aspire to having a better beautiful body and radiant shining health.
What do you think your chances are of ever reaching this goal of being skinny, healthy, beautiful and happy? Most of us will answer that question with a "Slim and None." I hope when your finish reading this and start putting these 3 Sure-Fire Tips into your daily lifestyle, your attitude about these goals and weight loss will make a complete turn around and you will be on your way to reaching all of your goals for a happy, long and healthy life.
Sure-Fire Tip 1 Positive Attitude Affirmation With a Happy Fun Lifestyle
Being happy, having a winning smile and a beautiful body to match can be achieved no matter what situation in life you are facing. This positive attitude must take place in our minds before our bodies can react in a positive way to our new way of eating and new healthy life style practices.
The first thing you need to do is take off all your clothes and stand in front of a full-length mirror. Study your body from all angles. Do you like what your see? If not, using a notebook, write down all the things you see that you want to change. Is your tummy too large? Are your buttocks too large? Put that along with anything else that you can change on your own in your notebook. These are the things that you can change yourself through diet and exercise. Now, close your eyes and make an affirmation that you are going to change these things. Make this affirmation about 3 times. By doing these affirmations daily, you have started a positive attitude toward losing weight and you are telling your body that it can be done.
Take some time each and every day to be happy; laugh, dance, play and have a good time even if you are alone when you do it. Turn your music on high and dance your heart out. If your problems are bothering you, get out of the house and go to the beach for a while. Make a mental note of all the bodies you see on the beach whether they are slim or chubby. Remember, we are all beautiful creatures made by God no matter what our physical body looks like. If you can't make it to the beach, just go outside and walk around viewing all the beautiful things in nature that God has given us to view. If you don't feel like walking, just sit in the sun for a few minutes and soak in that wonderful free vitamin D. Tune your ears to hear all of nature's amazing sounds. Do you hear a bluebird singing? Do you see the redbird taking care of her babies? Just get your mind off your problems for a while. They will all be there waiting for you when you get back home, and you can deal with them in a more positive way.
Being happy with a positive attitude, music, dancing, walking, going to the beach is going to be your first step in your successful weight loss program. Getting your mind in shape to tell your body what to do is going to be your quest now and for the rest of your life. The mind is a powerful tool that we so often neglect in our quest for a beautiful slim body that is glowing with health and happiness. So let us get into training our minds to rule over our bodies, and we will be on our way to a successful weight loss and healthy bodies.
Sure-Fire Tip #2 Learning All About Nutrition
Before we start on any weight loss plan, we need to take the time to learn everything we can about nutrition. Nutrition is the study of food at work in our bodies, thus since we are going to be dieting, this study is going to be very important for us. We need to learn what foods are good for us, and what foods are bad for us. It is just that simple.
One of the most important parts of our study in nutrition is to learn to read labels on every food you buy very carefully. You don't ever want to buy a product that has names in it that your can't pronounce. You don't ever want to buy a product in it that has sugar or fructose as the first ingredient. You will be checking the labels for any type of fat that isn't good for you.
There are 6 Food groups that we will be making our daily diets from. We need to know all these food groups, how much we need each day from each group and learn how to adjust the serving size to still be able to get all the nutrition we need for the day. The 6 Food groups are:
Meat and Bean group-lean meats, chicken, turkey, eggs, beans, lentils, legumes, etc.
Grain group 100 % Whole grain bread and products made from it, oatmeal, rice and etc.
Milk and Dairy group Low fat milk, cheese products, yogurt and etc.
Vegetable group All veggies
Fruit Group All fruits
Oil group Extra Virgin Olive oil, Cold pressed veggie oils, butter and etc.
Meat and Bean group will consists of eating a certain amount of either lean meat or beans to get good protein into your body. If you choose beans, you will have to combine it with a whole grain to make it into a complete protein.
The FDA recommends the following amounts of proteins for us to consume daily:
Women 19-30 years old 5 ½ ounce equivalents
Women 31-50 years old5 ounce equivalents
Women 51+ years old 6½-ounce equivalents
Men 19-30 years old 6½-ounce equivalents
Men 31-50 years old 6-ounce equivalents
Men 51+ years old 5½-ounce equivalents
Most of us eat this amount of protein daily, but we need to make leaner choices and use more of a variety in our daily choices. Also we need to take into consideration of our age and activity in planning our diets.
Get a good book on nutrition or take a course and learn all you can about it.
Sure-Fire Tip #3 Eat 3 Nutritious Meals a Day with 2 Snacks and Lose Weight Slowly
Plan your meals around the nutritious and delicious array of foods we have in our markets today and cook what you and your family really enjoy enjoying eating. Plan to have 3 healthy meals daily and have a morning and evening snack. Don't skip meals and think you are going to lose weight faster by not eating. If you start doing this you will get on what I call the "yo-yo" syndrome. The "yo-yo" syndrome is where you fast or don't eat much to lose weight quickly, but then you get so hungry you devour every thing in site when you start eating. Your weight will go up and down like a yo-yo. This type of dieting may work for a while, but soon your health will start declining and you will get sick. Remember the turtle and the hare? The turtle showed us that by being slow and consistent, he was successful. Slow and easy is the answer to permanent weight loss. Always, and I mean always, have three meals a day along with 2 healthy snacks. If you don't like breakfast, at least have a bite of something such as a piece of fruit or toast.
Meals don't always have to be large to be good for you. Study the food pyramid at the FDA site and plan your meals out of these food groups daily, using portion control at all times.
Eat freely of the vegetable group and cut back on the grains and carbohydrates. We need some of these in our diet, but use them sparingly. Drink water with a little lemon all day long and cut out any types of sodas. Don't think you can drink those diet sodas all day long and still be healthy. Artificial sweeteners are bad for you. Sugar only has 16 calories per teaspoon so use a little sugar or no sweetener at all. Use the good oils in your diet such as extra virgin olive oil. Oil is very important for our overall radiant health, so make sure to get some good oils in your diet daily. Nuts and seeds make good snacks and also give us some good oil in our diet. Don't forget your healthy snacks. Plan ahead and have them ready to eat when snack time rolls around.
Get some good cookbooks and learn to make delicious meals with mouth-watering recipes daily. When you cook, your house should smell like a gourmet cook is in the kitchen. Use lots of onions, peppers, garlic and etc. and the smells coming out of your house will bring the family running to your kitchen with great big smiles on their beautiful faces. Learn to bake your own bread. The bread makers today take the work right out of bread making and the smells from the baking of fresh bread are heavenly.
The 3 Sure-Fire Tips for losing weight are 3 steps we can use to be successful in our weight loss goals. Being happy, have a positive attitude, learning things we can do to take our minds off of our problems, learning all about nutrition and planning our 3 meals a day with 2 snacks and losing our weight slowly but surely are 3 Sure-Fire Tips for permanent weight loss. So, put a big smile on your face, turn the music up loud, get out your nutrition and cookbooks, and start planning your weight loss strategies today and good luck to you!
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